Services & Treatments

Foot and leg pain, Biomechanical Assessments & Sports Podiatry

Sore feet can make you miserable……

Podiatrists can assess foot function, diagnose foot pathologies & offer treatment that can improve performance and address pain.


Biomechanical Assessments and Sports Podiatry

Biomechanics is the science of movement of a living body, including how muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments work together to produce movement. It is the science of explaining how and why the human body moves in the way that it does. This includes the interaction between a person, his or her equipment and the environment.

Biomechanics of the feet can result in changes to ankles, legs, knees, hips and the lower back.

Like most parts of our body, feet age & therefore require extra attention, as we get older. This is essential for many of us to keep our feet comfortable, healthy and working well.

Dapto Podistry Clinic helps with management of foot and leg pain

Podiatrists can assess foot function, diagnose foot pathologies & offer treatment that can improve performance and address pain.

Some of the most common conditions we treat at Dapto Podiatry Clinic are:

Pain relief therapies often involve exercise programs, strapping, footwear analysis and advice, dry needling and orthotic therapy.

Book an appointment

Nail Surgery can be performed at Dapto Podiatry Clinic 02 4261 6909 or enquire online to book an appointment.
Call Dapto Podiatry Clinic for all your foot care needs